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Dr. Gabe Dawson
(888) 888-8888
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About Dr. Gabe Dawson

Dr. Gabe Dawson is Senior Vice President of Systems, Analytics and Compliance at Institutes of Health, where he oversees the dissemination of clinical education to stakeholders in the workers’ compensation system, ranging from physicians, risk managers, claims examiners, utilization reviewers, and employers on the importance of understanding and applying the principles of evidence-based treatment to reversing the epidemics of chronic pain, post-traumatic stress conditions, brain-injury, substance abuse and related comorbidities. Among his other areas of oversight are in translational and functional medicine, training of clinicians, clinical systems development, and research. Prior to becoming a healthcare professional, he served in the 82nd Airborne division as a paratrooper in the 325th AIR and served in Desert Shield/Storm. Dr. Dawson has competed as an Olympic weightlifter, power lifter and bodybuilder including spending time coaching an Olympic weightlifting team and Olympic athletes. On a very personal level, Dr. Dawson has been heavily vested in calling attention to the plight of first-responders who struggle to receive appropriate treatment for injuries sustained in the line of duty, and combating the barriers that prevent them from receiving best-in-class care.

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    The IAIABC invites you to the IAIABC 110th Convention, "Passport to Solutions". The IAIABC Convent …

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    Join us for the 2024 Annual Conference hosted by the National Association of Occupational Health P …

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    The Business Insurance Women to Watch Awards is the only recognition program that celebrates leadi …

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(805) 484-0333