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Today is Wednesday, September 18, 2024 - Jobs & Ads â–¶ Current Text Ads
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Classified Advertising

Welcome to WorkCompCentral text advertising - the most affordable advertising in workers' compensation! Not only will your text ad appear here but will also appear throughout WorkCompCentral in a dedicated section of nearly every page in random order depending upon the total number of ads. There is no limit! Fewer text ads means your ad gets more exposure!

Please log in to post your Text ad. Log in is required because this will store your ad purchase in your user account for access later and will permit you to edit your ad should you need to do so after posting.

Pricing for a Classified Ad:    1 week: $80;    2 weeks: $140;    3 weeks: $165;    4 weeks: $185.

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Upcoming Events

  • Sep 17-18, 2024

    Business Insurance DEI Leaders

    Transforming the Insurance Industry: DEI in Today’s World The goal of this year’s Business Insura …

  • Sep 18, 2024

    INTERCARE JOB FAIR - Come grow

    Don’t miss the chance to attend our job fair, where you can meet with our management team, sociali …

  • Sep 23-26, 2024

    IAIABC 110th Convention

    The IAIABC invites you to the IAIABC 110th Convention, "Passport to Solutions". The IAIABC Convent …

Workers' Compensation Events

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c/o Business Insurance Holdings, Inc.
PO Box 1010
Greenwich, CT 06836
(805) 484-0333