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Today is Thursday, September 19, 2024 -


Dr. Crystal Cobos
(800) 270-5016
1455 Frazee Road Suite 220
San Diego

About Dr. Crystal Cobos

In addition to heading the IOH Brain Injury & Concussion Clinic, Dr. Cobos is involved in the diagnoses, treatment, and rehabilitation of orthopedic, neurological, cardiac cases as well as general surgery and trauma care. Within the chronic pain and delayed recovery space, she leads the Specialty Rehabilitation Clinic for Complex Regional Pain Syndrome/Regional Sympathetic Dystrophy. Dr. Cobos is a Certifi ed Brain Rehabilitation Specialist and the recipient of the Clinical Excellence Award, Academic Achievement Award and Exception Clinical Research Award from Touro University. Her research in urinary incontinence is published in the Journal of Women’s Health Physical Therapy. Facilitate outcome driven and evidence based treatment protocols to treat chronic pain and brain injury achieve patient driven functional goals. Lead Physical Therapist/Director of Rehabilitation 2010 – 2020 Advantage Rehab Solutions San Diego, CA Established an in-patient clinician treating a variety of diagnoses including orthopedic, neurological, cardiac cases as well as general surgery and trauma care. Provide patient support including assessment, evaluation, education, documentation of care plan and administration of treatment procedures. Directed and organized Community Care Center of La Mesa department under initial contract acquisition at in-patient facility. Coordinated staffing, managed caseload of 65 patients. Director of Business Development for Advantage Rehab Solutions acquiring 3 buildings for ARS.

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