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Today is Thursday, September 19, 2024 -


Dr. Clark Smith
(800) 270-5016
1455 Frazee Road Suite 220
San Diego

About Dr. Clark Smith

Internship: Internal Medicine, 1981-82, Samaritan Medical Center, Phoenix, Arizona. Residency: Psychiatry, 1982-84, University of California San Diego, La Jolla, California. Medical Director, San Diego Health Alliance outpatient addiction clinics, 1982-1985. Emergency Room Physician, Hillside Hospital, San Diego, California, 1983-85. Chief Resident, 1984-85, U.C.S.D. Medical Center, San Diego, California. Training and supervision with Habib Davanloo, Short Term Dynamic Psychotherapy, 1984-86. Chief of Medical Staff, Mesa Vista Hospital, 1993-94. President, San Diego Psychiatric Society, 1994-95. Editorial Advisor, Drug Abuse and Alcoholism Newsletter, with Marc Schuckit, M.D., 1995-98. Member, Board of Directors, Vista Hill Foundation, 1994-1998 Medical Director, Sharp McDonald Center, (formerly Vista Pacifica Hospital) 1989- 2012 San Diego Representative, American Psychiatric Association National Assembly, 2009-2013 President, San Diego Psych-Law Society, 2012 - 2014 Medical Director, RecoveryWorks Alcohol and Addiction Recovery Treatment Center, 2012- 2018 Medical Director, Restore Detox Centers, 2017 - 2019

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