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Frank Fairchok
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About Frank Fairchok

Frank Fairchok, President & CEO of NGHP Solutions LLC Frank Fairchok is President and CEO of NGHP Solutions, LLC. He has eleven years of experience in MMSEA Section 111 reporting and Medicare Secondary Payer compliance. In prior roles, Frank has provided the strategic direction for some of the larger service providers in the Medicare Secondary Payer industry. In these roles, Frank has managed the development of Section 111 reporting platforms and is recognized as a subject matter expert in both the policy and technical areas of reporting. Frank has been a long-term advocate of utilizing an MSP strategy that focuses on risk reduction through reporting only accurate and complete data to CMS. With over thirty years of experiencing crossing the financial, telecommunication and workers’ compensation industries, Frank has a deep background in contract administration, order management, billing, revenue recognition and data management. He has worked for global multinational companies such as Raymond James, AT&T, Orange Business Services, and the UnitedHealth Group family of companies at Optum. Frank has a Bachelor of Applied Science in Technology Management from St. Petersburg College and resides in Tampa, FL. NGHP Solutions, LLC provides IT and data consulting services, staff augmentation, training, and contract review services.

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c/o Business Insurance Holdings, Inc.
PO Box 1010
Greenwich, CT 06836
(805) 484-0333