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Today is Thursday, September 19, 2024 -


Lela Holder
(865) 607-2547
118 Huntington Lane

About Lela Holder

Lela Holder RN, BSN, CCM
Nurse Case Manager As a clinical nurse specialist Mrs. Holder is responsible for the daily clinical oversight and coordination of quality clinical care for the Catastrophic/Complex Care Department at MTI. Lela supervises care and service delivery within the complex care  department; home health, physical medicine, DME , transportation, language services and home modifications.  During the last 15 years, Lela has developed her clinical career through various roles in the healthcare industry including; managed care, utilization review, workers compensation and case management. Her education and experience enables to her act as a innovative resource with case managers and clinicians.   Mrs. Holder attended King University where she received a Bachelor’s in Nursing (BSN) and is a registered Certified Case Manager (CCM).

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    The IAIABC invites you to the IAIABC 110th Convention, "Passport to Solutions". The IAIABC Convent …

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    NAOHP 2024 Annual Conference

    Join us for the 2024 Annual Conference hosted by the National Association of Occupational Health P …

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    Business insurance Women To Wa

    The Business Insurance Women to Watch Awards is the only recognition program that celebrates leadi …

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c/o Business Insurance Holdings, Inc.
PO Box 1010
Greenwich, CT 06836
(805) 484-0333