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Today is Thursday, September 19, 2024 -


Dr. Lisa Fitzpatrick
(877) 399-3746
4081 Mission Oaks Blvd A

About Dr. Lisa Fitzpatrick

Lisa Fitzpatrick DrOT, CHT, CAE, CEAS is the President/CEO of XcelABLE. She has been in practice for over 20 years and specializes in providing injury management services for injured workers, employers, insurance companies, and attorneys. In addition, Lisa has published numerous articles on functional capacity evaluations and ergonomics. The primary focus of her current research is in developing effective measures for assessing work ability. She has presented internationally/nationally to professionals on functional capacity evaluations, work ability, and on the return-to-work process. She is currently involved with the International FCE Research Symposium and is the co-host for the event in Washington DC in 2020

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