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Today is Thursday, September 19, 2024 -


Alan Tysinger
(210) 446-0713
PO Box 39
La Vernia

About Alan Tysinger

Alan Tysinger is a an attorney in private practice in San Antonio, Texas. He is a sole practitioner focusing on civil trial litigation. He is involved in plaintiffs' side personal injury litigation and administrative law, with particular emphasis on workers' compensation and nonsubscriber work-related injuries. He also represents select clients in estate and business planning as well as probate work. Alan graduated cum laude from the University Scholars program at Baylor University in 1996. He began his practice in 1999 after graduating from the University of Texas at Austin School of Law, where he was a founding staff member of the Texas Review of Law and Politics, a conservative and libertarian law journal. He has extensive experience in workers' compensation cases, having represented injured workers, their beneficiaries, and healthcare providers in administrative hearings across Texas. He has argued before several state courts of appeal and the Texas Supreme Court. He has litigated cases from the Red River to the Rio Grande.

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