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Today is Thursday, September 19, 2024 -


Lisa Aguiar
(408) 627-4812
PO Box 85059
San Diego

About Lisa Aguiar

Lisa Aguiar, Managing Attorney at MS&A, heads the firm’s new employment/labor practice. Conversant with statutory regulations on both the federal and state level, she has advised small and large businesses alike in audits related to the FLSA, EEOC, DFEH, EDD and DLSE. In addition to complete mastery of the law, Ms. Aguiar also is a certified business coach, and has conducted client training in hiring, termination, compensation and severance. She has negotiated contracts concerning proprietary and confidential matters, as well as noncompete agreements. On behalf of commercial interests, she has litigated cases, including class actions, involving, for example, claims of discrimination, harassment and return-to-work.

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    The IAIABC invites you to the IAIABC 110th Convention, "Passport to Solutions". The IAIABC Convent …

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    NAOHP 2024 Annual Conference

    Join us for the 2024 Annual Conference hosted by the National Association of Occupational Health P …

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    Business insurance Women To Wa

    The Business Insurance Women to Watch Awards is the only recognition program that celebrates leadi …

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c/o Business Insurance Holdings, Inc.
PO Box 1010
Greenwich, CT 06836
(805) 484-0333